Francisco Arbas

Francisco Arbas

Casa Grande, Arizona USA
YHVH is my Elohim & Father; the Elohim of Avraham, Yitz'chak, Ya`akov. Yehoshua is my Messiah & Rabbi. I'm a Hebrew, following the WAY. Not a religion, but the WAY of the Messiah. Acts 24:14, Jude 1:3
Ekklēsia or Church, Does It Matter?

Ekklēsia or Church, Does It Matter?

By Peter Ditzel In the New Testaments of most English Bibles, the words "church" and "churches"
25 min read
I thought I was Born Again?

I thought I was Born Again?

So many churches and individuals today have lost the meaning of what it takes to be truly born again. They
7 min read
Foods of the Bible

Foods of the Bible

Explore a complete list of Bible foods with references Some of today's healthiest known foods were part of
4 min read