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Hebraic Restoration / יְהוָֹה - YeHoVaH / יְהוֹשֻׁעַ - Yehoshua Ha Mashiach

Hebraic Restoration / יְהוָֹה - YeHoVaH / יְהוֹשֻׁעַ - Yehoshua Ha Mashiach


We follow our Abba יְהוָֹה - YeHoVaH and יְהוֹשֻׁעַ Yehoshua-Yeshua Ha Mashiach Ha Natzrati.

We believe that the whole Bible is the Word of Y----AH and want to keep His commandments & Torah.

This group follows the Hebraic Messianic Restoration of the Faith. Which is a return to the faith (Jude 1:3) once delivered to the Kedoshim (set-apart ones) and its Hebrew roots both Brit-HaDashah (Renewed Covenant) and Tanakh (Old Covenant). Also continuing in the original teachings of the Apostles in the book of Acts (Apostolic Writings). (Acts 2:42).

We don't follow titles or man's descriptions. This group is not a part of a denomination, religious organization, or church. This is not a Hebrew Roots group or a so-called "Sacred Name" group-church.

We follow the WAY. Not a religion! Returning to the faith once delivered to the Kedoshim (set-apart ones).

Fellowship with those that believe in Yehovah & Yehoshua-Yeshua. Here you can fellowship and discuss the Word of Yehovah.

Feel free to discuss any Biblical topic, but please focus on the topic (speak in love and respect).We welcome all Hebraic believers. But if you believe the Father and the Son's name is different than what we believe. Don't force your beliefs on us. We are not here to debate. Your actions will get you band.The rules of the group are enforced. If your post is deleted it is because you didn't follow the rules. Please read them!

Yeho-shua means “Yehovah is Salvation,” for He is the salvation that Yehovah has provided for mankind, (Acts 4:12). He came in his Father's name.

Study the Word, meditate on it, ask questions, research it, look at something from all perspectives, pray about it. But don't jump to conclusions. Remember we are here to build each other up.
