A Lesson from Torah.
THE KEYNOTE of this chapter is “Remember!” Faith begins without certain evidence of an external and positive kind, but as life advances, one day after another adds the weight of its indisputable testimony. If we step out on the supposition that there is an eternal and spiritual world enwrapping us on all sides, we shall come to so clear and distinct an assurance of it, that it would be easier to doubt our existence.
It is a good thing to look back and see the WAY; it is as certain as possible that the thread of Divine purpose is stringing together the many-colored links of our life.
Deu 8:15 who led you through that great and awesome wilderness – fiery serpents and scorpions and thirst – where there was no water, who brought water for you out of the flinty rock,
Deu 8:16 who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know, in order to humble you and to try you, to do you good in the end,
Notice the alliteration of Deu_8:15, Deu_8:16. “Who led thee”; “Who fed thee.” Where Yehovah Elohim leads, He feeds! Look back on the past, and see that just as sure as the guidance of Yehovah Elohim, has been His care. There is no lack to those who allow Him to lead them in His own paths.
Look back on the past!—Its sins and backslidings—leave them far behind for ever, and rise to newness of life. Its discipline—intended to chasten and strengthen us. Its trials—meant to reveal Yehovah Elohim’s power to deliver in the hour of trouble that we may glorify Him. The terrible wilderness of loneliness, the fiery serpents of temptation, the manna which has never failed to fall, the water which the Rock has ever yielded.
Deu 8:17 you then shall say in your heart, ‘My power and the strength of my hand have made for me this wealth!’
Deu 8:18 “But you shall remember יהוה your Elohim, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, in order to establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is today.
Deu_8:17-18 teach us the lesson of humility. If, for some reason, you have been put into a position of wealth, honor, or influence, do not be proud, or think that your talents or abilities are to receive the praise.
Thank Yehovah Elohim, and remember that it is He who gives the power to get wealth or honor, and He does it with a very definite purpose!
Will you not pledge yourself to serve and worship Him?
As you climb the crest of the hill, and begin to descend into the plain, not knowing what lies before, veiled in the mist, fear not, tighten your girdle, put your hand in His, and walk with Him to be His instrument to bless the world of men.
by Francisco Arbas