3 min read

The Sabbath: The sign of the covenant.

The Sabbath: The sign of the covenant.

The Sabbath is the sign of the covenant,  It is given to the bride, the saints, those set apart to Him in covenant betrothal.  Sabbath rest is a gift, as all creation is, to His people.  
Do you receive His gift of love and eternal committment?  This Sabbath cannot be changed or done away with because it is a creation mandate, a mandate of set apartness to Him.  

On this day, He rests with His creation.  Rest.  Holy rest.  Peace between man and His creator.  We are called to enter this rest?  Will you come?  Sabbath, being the seventh day, is unique, not only in holiness and rest, but in perfection.  

The number seven is associated with perfection, completion, and rest.  In fact, did you know that in Israel, a labor strike is called Shabbat?!?! The number seven is also associated with an oath or vow.  When an oath is sworn, it is “sevened” in Hebraic culture.  an oath is an ultimate declaration of loyalty and faithfulness.

Sabbath is His oath to bring us to rest with Him.  In Hebraic tradition, Sabbath is unique, being a day that is eternal, yet placed in the realm of time.  In the Genesis account, six days “ended” with evening and morning, but the Sabbath is left “open”, without end.  

Perhaps it is a prophecy that time will end, but Sabbath remains forever.  In this day, we are privileged to enter into eternity with our Beloved for 24 hours.  We enter into His finished work, His rest, where we are not striving for life, but granted life abundantly.  No one can come to His Sabbath but His beloved bride to be.  We commune and get to know each other, and we learn both how to love Him and we learn that we are, indeed, loved.  

This day we have permission to set aside the labors of life to rest in His Presence. This day, being a “moed”, means HE COMES to us, for an official covenant visitation.  This is the day HE CHOSE forever, and this day symbolizes our eternal rest in Him.  Covenant moedim, visitations, are daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal encouragements for us, reminders that though the waiting is sometimes difficult,  He has not forgotten His covenant.  He is preparing the bridal chamber, and He will come for us. Sabbath is a living prophecy.  

When we enter His Sabbath, we enter into the spirit of prophecy, which is the testimony of Yehoshua.  Sabbath is the culmination of our hope.  This day is filled with gratitude to His Anointed (Messiah), Yehoshua, Who alone will bring this Sabbath rest to fulfillment in the new heaven and earth.

“Shabbat shalom” is a greeting only for the covenant faithful.  He does not give His covenant sign to those not covenanted.  And neither should we give His covenant sign to another. He has said, “I will be your God/Elohim, and you will be my people”.  In this we rejoice on this day. “I am my beloved’s, and He is mine”.  An exchange of marriage vows. May your Sabbath be filled with the joy of the hope for which we are waiting.  Come, Yehoshua!

By Wendy Lopez