1 min read

The WAY of Yehoshua

The WAY of Yehoshua

The 12 Apostles, the 120 in the upper room, and the 3000 on the day of Pentecost and more, believed as the Apostle Sha’ul (Paul) believed, in all of the Torah and were NOT CHRISTIANS, but followers of the “WAY”.

The Apostle Sha’ul (Paul) said:
In Acts 22:4, he calls them "followers of this “WAY” and uses that as a name for true BELIEVERS in the Messiah.

The Apostle Sha’ul (Paul) calls himself a believer of the “WAY”, not a CHRISTIAN:
In Acts 24:14
"However, I admit that I worship the Elohim (God) of our ancestors as a follower of the “WAY”, which they call a sect (a sect of Judaism.) so I worship the Elohim God of my fathers, Exo_3:15 believing all that has been written in the Torah and in the Prophets.”

Scriptures about the “WAY”:
Yehoshua (Jesus) had identified himself as "the Way" (John 14:6)

The name “WAY” appears throughout Acts 9:2; Acts 11:26; Acts 19:9, Acts 19:23; Acts 22:4; Acts 24:14, Acts 24:22; see Acts 18:25, Acts 18:26 for the similar terms "the “WAY” of the Adonai-Lord" and "the “WAY” of Yehovah-God".

Blessed are the perfect in the “WAY”, Who walk in the Torah of Yehovah! Psa_119:1
The Way of Set-apartness
And there shall be a highway, and a WAY, and it shall be called “The Way of Set-apartness.” The unclean does not pass over it, but it is for those who walk the WAY, and no fools wander on it.

By Francisco Arbas