2 min read

What are Gentile Hebraic Roots?

What are Gentile Hebraic Roots?

It’s not to nullify the Torah and stick with the Brit-HaDashah (Renewed Covenant) (some say new covenant), or nullify the Renewed Covenant to just stick with the Torah.

What happens if you cut off the roots of a tree? It dries up and bears no fruit. It is what happens with Christianity, when it annulls the Torah which is the fundamental basis of the Renewed Covenant, therefore they can never come to an understanding since the Torah is the fundamental foundation that gives life to the Brit-HaDashah (Renewed Covenant) therefore Yehoshua Ha'Mashiah did NOT come to abolish the Torah or the prophets.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete." Matthew 5:17

Hebraic roots are not for everyone, only for those who have a passion for the truth… and have ears to hear!

The coming home (Efrayim the 10 lost tribes) is for those who hear the voice of Yehoshua Ha'Mashíah, because he comes to get the lost sheep of the house of Yisra'el and to fulfill the Torah, not to abolish it.

He said, “I have been sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matthew 15-24

Yehoshua is not coming to raise up a Christian people who reject the TORAH and think he replaced Yisra'el who is keeper of the Torah, Shabbat and the Feasts of YeHoVaH.

The Gentile who obeys and is born again in Yehoshua Ha'Mashiah as Savior and keeps the Torah in OBEDIENCE are still Gentile according to the flesh, but are grafted in with the people of Yehovah Elohim of Yisra'el through the Messiah and have been given the Torah/Tanakh and Shabbat along with the 7 Feasts of Yehovah.

My sheep hear my voice, I know them, they follow me. John 10-27