1 min read

Where did the name "Jesus" come from?

Where did the name "Jesus" come from?
Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown / Unsplash

יְהוֹשֻׁעַ - Yehoshua is the Hebrew name for the Savior and Messiah, given to his parents by the Messenger of Yehovah. It’s the same name given to Joshua the son of Nun by Moses, Numbers 13:16.

The Aramaic name Yeshua has been used in the time of Messiah and in our modern times. The Greek name Ieosus used from the 4th century till 14th century and the Savior’s English name Jesus from 16th century till today. We would think His Hebrew or Aramaic name is what the Messiah was really called when he was on earth.

So should we use any name for the Messiah or Savior? Does it matter?

Yehoshua means “Yehovah is Salvation,” for He is the salvation that God has provided for mankind, Acts 4:12. We joyfully accept the names revealed by our glorious Heavenly Father Yehovah and His wonderful Son, our Savior Yehoshua the Messiah.